Monday, August 27, 2007

Biodiesel update

Hello again-
The project has been making good progress (despite my infrequent updates to this blog). I am happy to announce that we have been given the green light by the metro air regulations committee and the VEHS office to start construction of the system. Thanks to Brad Berron and the VEHS office who put together the major components of our application.

Our shed is almost complete now (I will post pictures soon), and we should be able to finish the system construction and start brewing soon. It is very nice and will suit our needs very well. Feel free to stop by and see its current progress on the northwest corner of the power plant lot. We need to think of ideas for the name for the shed (biodiesel shed and brew haus have been suggested), so let me know if you have ideas.

Thanks again to all of you who have helped, and feel free to contact me ( if you are interested in getting involved.